Start each day by ranking the things that you much do. Starting with the most important and unpleasant tasks first, then go from there. Those things that can wait for later that day should be listed towards the bottom of your list. Don't make your list too long because there are only so many hours in a day and you don't want to feel like you will never get it all accomplished.
Second thing is to Assign Work Time Frame for each task.
At first this might not seem realistic but it is mostly so that you will have some sort of idea how long it will take to finish each task. You will find that once you start a task, it won't really take very long unless it is a big project. If so, then break it down so that you can see some progress.
Third Be Flexible.
Unexpected things come up from time to time so if you have to stop to take care of some other matter, do not worry and stress out if you don't accomplished a certain task in the time frame you set. Just like the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day" so make sure you allow for those time when things come up. Don't let these things such as phone calls, important emails,kids and life in general frustrate you, the important thing to remember is that you are making progress on your list
Fourth thing is to Say No if it isn't important.
Whether you work from home or out of the home there are things that can distract us and waste time. Limit small talk with co-workers, family, friends, etc. while you are working. Respect your decision to make a plan and stick to it. Others will need to understand that if it isn't something that needs to be taken care of right this minute then it can wait.
Fifth is to Delegate.
Compromise when necessary.
As your day progresses the urgency of a task may also change. There may be times when your tasks will need to be re-prioritized, rescheduled, postponed or dropped altogether, making adjustments if things come up that needs your attention is important.
Everyone has limitations and if you realize what those are then you will know what you can work on later to improve those skills or know in advance what tasks you will need help with.
Learning to manage your time is not to stress your day so remember to relax and learn as you go. The more you practice managing your time, the better you will get at it. Time management is so that you will take control of your days and see how much you really can accomplish each day and then enjoy some time with family and friends. This is your only viable option no matter where you are working, this is the only way to accomplish anything worthwhile.
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